Sunday, May 6, 2012

Becoming a 21st Century High-Tech Public Library

In the 100 years that my Library has been serving our patrons, technologies have radically changed the ways in which libraries provide information and resources to the public.  When the 21st century arrived, MPL answered the high-tech call.  Read all about it in the usual blog.

Today's MPL remains on technology's leading edge.  Within the coming months, the Library will be . . .
  • Launching its new website;
  • Installing a Voice-Over IP telephone system; and
  • Expanding its social media presence.
How will all this happen?  Beats moi.  Details are for minions.  Suffice to say that all will surely transpire in timely fashion.  You'll read about it first here.  That's why I'm the MPL feline roving reporter.

Make It So, Minions,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S.  Songs about technology abound in music these days, but here's one from 31 years ago at the height of "New Wave" pop:  "Home Computer," by Kraftwerk, from the album Computer World (1981; remastered, 2009).  Hard to believe this song is three decades old.

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