Monday, May 7, 2012

More Centennial Displays Through the Decades

The rest of our Through the Decades centennial celebratory displays are up at my Library.  Check out the photos in Scowl-Face's blog.  You'll especially want to see Cauliette.  She has been promoted to InfoFeline at the MPL Information Kiosk.  It's all in a day's work for us feline roving reporters.

Click Images to Bigify
You'll have to listen really carefully when you ask Cauliette questions about the Library.  She has rather a soft mew.  It helps if you imagine in your head what she's saying.  Better yet, just go ask Scowl-Face.  If he doesn't know the answers, he will undoubtedly try to bluff his way through.  (Just kidding!)  Actually, he can probably help you, especially if you have questions about local history and the Library's 100 years of public service.  Once you get him started talking about that stuff, there's no stopping him.  You'll find ol' Scowlly in the MPL Indiana Room Roving Reporter Room.

The Clock on the Wall Says It's My Break Time, So Make With the Canned Tuna-in-Oil, Minions,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S.  All this information-providing reminded moi of "Information Please," by Jimmy Rogers.  This recording was included on the LP The Dirty Dozens (1985), which featured Rogers and "Left Hand" Frank (Frank Craig).

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