Tuesday, May 8, 2012

How Do I Get Moi One of These?

2022 UPDATE:  Virtual Emma appears to have retired.  Too bad.
What Emma's got.  That's what I want for our new website, only it should, naturally, feature moi.

Emma is a catbot on the Mentor (Ohio) Public Library website.  Ask Emma questions about the library, and she will specifically answer them.  It is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen on the Internet.

When you visit Emma's web page, she will follow your cursor's movement with her gaze, just like Virtual Cauli.  But Emma, unlike virtual moi, can answer your questions.  My Library has GOT to make this happen for moi.

Minions, Make It So,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Online Catbot News Beat

P.S.  The name Emma reminded moi of the song "For Emma," by Wisconsin band Bon Iver, included on the self-released debut album For Emma, Forever Ago (2007), which was re-released on the Jagjaguwar label (2008).

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