Monday, April 30, 2012

When Merger Means More Money

When the Library encountered a financial crunch during the late 1970s-early 1980s, local politicos, our Director, and our Board of Trustees put their heads together to knock-out a funding solution.  The result is explained in the latest MPL Treasure Trove blog posting.

The fix involved a merger, lots of local governmental and library officials, some tax revenues, and some slick negotiating.  Our elected representatives could work together to resolve public problems, at least back in the 1980s. They still can, if politics could be set aside for awhile.

Thanks to everybody involved in the process, by 1985 my Library had survived a rough fiscal patch and was able to construct a brand new facility (1987-1988) that afforded considerably expanded romping room for patrons and staff.  Plus there was much more space for books and such like.

That's a happy ending, I'd venture.  But the story doesn't stop there. Follow along our stroll through a century of library services.  Just keep reading my blog, and I'll link you to what's interesting.  I'll link you to Scowl-Face's blog, too.  Those are probably mutually exclusive outcomes.

Glad Things Worked Out Fine,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

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