Monday, April 30, 2012

Eight More Times to a Cool Million

The MPL YouTube Channel has just passed 125,000 viewings.  (The counter on the MPL YouTube Channel home page is way behind the actual number of viewings.)  Eight times that will reach a cool million.  It could happen in our lifetimes, especially if one has nine of them.

Should we celebrate by watching one of the Library's videos?  How about the hottest one, in terms of increasing viewership statistics?

Animal Alphabet Song
(Video by Jaymi Edwards, MPL Early Literacy Specialist)

Miss Jaymi, of course, is Wild Thang in my lexicon.  This video is fast approaching 10,000 viewings.  More people are currently watching it than any of my Library's 269 other videos.

We think Wild Thang deserves something special for this achievement, Boss Lady.  Pizza is good.  Maybe we should ask Wild Thang what she would like.  Pepperoni, I'm thinking.  And snausages.  They're not just for slobberdogs, you know.

Oddly, I Don't Like Anchovies on Pizza,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Video News Beat

P.S.  Here's a Snausages television commercial.  What slobberdog could resist such tasty treats?

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