Sunday, April 29, 2012

Providing More With Less

What happens when the Library's delivery of expanded, essential public services meets declining tax revenues?  Belt-tightening and imaginative practices become necessary byproducts.  That was true in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when financial conditions were tough for public libraries, while patron demand skyrocketed.  Happily, the stewards of MPL were up to the challenges, as we may discover from the Library's Treasure Trove blog posting that discusses this period (1975-1983) of MPL history.  An institution that survives (and thrives) for a century and beyond has had some clever folks running the show, that's for sure.  Still true, today.

Can't Wait to See How It All Turns Out,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S.  "It's Money That Matters," by Randy Newman, appeared on his album Land of Dreams (1988).  As true today as then, I'm afraid.

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