Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What Wonders Spring Forth Around Our Library!

by Cauli Le Poussin
MPL Special Correspondent
Nature News Beat

Boss Lady took a few photos with the new digital camera yesterday showcasing the Library's exterior.  Aren't the trees and flowers magnificent?  Something to chirp about, I'd say.

MPL Kinder Garden

MPL Front Entrance

MPL Courtyard

Click Images to Bigify

Where's William Wordsworth When You Need Him? 

Cherry, Weep For Moi 

Somehow, that lyric sounded better when Chad & Jeremy sang about willows ["Willow, Weep For Me" (1964)].

 Zebra Stampeding in the Library Parking Lot!

Oh, wait.  That's just Boss Lady in her zebra dress.

I've found several roosting places among the bushes around the Library's Pathway to Knowledge. Cauli Le Chat said not to roost in the Kinder Garden, however. That's her turf. 'Nuff said!

Love Those Pretty Smelling Flowers,

Cauli Le Poussin
MPL Special Correspondent
Nature News Beat

P.S.  Any posting about the beauty of Spring calls for "Morning Has Broken," by Cat Stevens, which was originally included on the LP Teaser and the Firecat (1972).  The song was first published in 1931.  The lyrics were composed by Eleanor Farjeon as a Christian hymn, and the music had been previously used in a traditional Gaelic tune, "Bunessan," which was also used for the 19th century Christmas carol, "Child in the Manger."  (I thought Cauli Le Chat had used Cat Stevens' version as a musical closer in a prior blog post, but it may have been Scowl-Face.  It's a different video, however.)

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