Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Savvy's New Teen Blog

Savvy has created a new teen blog at MPL!

Click Image to Bigify

Savvy Book Reviews speaks directly to our teen patrons.  If you know any teens, or if you were ever one yourself, you know that this crowd can be tough critics when it comes to literature.  Today's teens are busier than ever, and so young adult books must grab--and hold--their attention within the first 10 to 20 pages or so.  The YA crowd can't afford to waste any time, so they need a reviewer whose opinions they can trust.

That's where Savvy delivers the goods.  As the MPL Teen Librarian, Savvy knows about all varieties of reading materials, and you can take her "two cents" to the bank.  If she thinks you might enjoy reading the books she's reviewing, then she will state plainly why, and you will be able to decide for yourself, based upon her discussion, whether or not the book's worth your bother.  Not that Savvy is telling you what to read.  Far from it!  She wants to inform readers so that they may make their own educated choices.

So all you teens out there!  Chickteens, this means you, too!  Scamper over to Savvy's new blog and get an inside track on your reading list. Summer is fast approaching, and there are so many books, but so little time.

Hey, Savvy:  Blog suggestion.  Book trailers.  Just saying.

Now Scowl-Face Will Have to Change That Blog Flyer He Just Made Today,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Blogs News Beat

P.S.  Savvy does book trailers, too.  We blogged about it awhile back. Here's one of her book trailers for the feline classic, Whiskers & Rhymes, by Arnold Lobel.

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