Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two, Four, Six, Eight, Who Do We Appreciate?

I was never any good with cheers.  Not like Wild Thang, whose MPL cheer for PLA you saw a couple months ago.  But I am quite good at feeling appreciated, as we well know.

It was therefore something of a surprise that my name was not among the guest list for my Library's volunteer appreciation luncheon today.  April is Volunteer Appreciation Month, and, particularly, April 15-21, 2012 is Volunteer Appreciation Week at MPL.  I am certainly all for showing our appreciation for our volunteers--the Library could not possibly function without them--but I would have expected at least a small can of tuna-in-oil for moi.  No such luck, it would seem.  (Icy feline glare is being given by moi to the MPL Home Page as I have my minions type this.)

Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk.  It is much better to just run right over and lap it up as fast as I can.  So let moi say that honoring our wonderful library volunteers is THE most important work our staff could do today, this week, or this entire month.  Our volunteers give SO MUCH. Their tireless efforts enable our Library to become a public service stalwart.

Hey, Is That MY Picture Up There?

It IS Moi !

Hey, if I'm included on the MPL Volunteer Wall of Appreciation, then, ipso facto, I must be an appreciated volunteer.  There's no escaping that conclusion.  That does not, however, excuse the absence of the canned tuna-in-oil.  Just saying.

Do we have photos from today's volunteer appreciation bigbash?  You betcha.

 Cover Gals (The Laminator & Ms. Mylar)

 Another Cover Gal (Mylar Jean), the Decorinator, and ObitGal

 BuilderDude, Modulation Man, & Mod Squad

 Filin' Fillie & CircMaster


Library Friends, Indeed

Our Volunteers Are A-Number One!

 No Chocolate Mess
to Write Home About

U-Shaped Tables Actually
V For Volunteer Victories

Beneath those custom-wrapped MPL chocolate bars were custom-made pen & pencil sets emblazoned with the MPL brand.  Really spiffy gifts to show our appreciation for our great volunteers!

But, sad to say, no canned tuna-in-oil for moi.  And after my grown-up blog has garnered over 80,000 viewers!  (My kids blog has enjoyed over 11,500 viewings.)  Hey, even Scowl-Face was recognized as a volunteer, and nobody reads either of his blogs.

Thank you again, MPL volunteers!  You make our Library so much more wonderful, which is pretty amazingly fantastic.

I Didn't Even Get a Bite of That Pulled Pork,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Volunteer Appreciation News Beat

P.S.  Volunteerism is all about getting together to make the world a better place.  "Get Together," by the Youngbloods, echoes a similar sentiment.  The song was first released as a single in 1967, but its re-release in 1969 became a top five hit on the U.S. charts, selling over a million copies.

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