Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An Authentic Press Hat For Cauliette

BizMeister has gone beyond the call of duty, I'd venture.  She has made Cauliette a cool press hat.

Can you make out the word Press on the card tucked into Cauliette's hat band?  Scowl-Face used enough flash on that photo to burn-off several paint layers.

We decided that Cauliette should be roving around the Library (like her namesake, only I roam outside) doing the reporter thing.  So we found an out-of-the-way spot by the Circulation Desk.

I think that last camera flash singed Cauliette's fur.  Hey, Scowl-Face: Back that aperture down a couple of F-stops or whatever gizmo does that on digital cameras.  Or increase the shutter speed.  Doesn't the Library now have a DVD and a ... For Dummies book for our digital camera? Better use your Evergreen Indiana card and check them out, Scowlly.

Having a press hat makes you an official journalistic feline, Cauliette. You may now use my Media Entrance.

Wish I Had a Home-Made Press Hat, BizMeister--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Feline Puppet News Beat

P.S.  Print journalism has lost many noble warriors since the World Wide Web hit the scene in the mid-1990s.  There just doesn't seem to be sufficient room on the Internet for everybody.  "Fred Jones, Part 2," by Ben Folds, vividly portrays this downsizing trend.  It's a sad song that carries more than a grain of truth.  The song was included on the album Rockin' the Suburbs (2001).

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