Monday, April 16, 2012

Get to Know the Masters of the Know (Part 3 in a Series)

MPL is blessed to have many "masters of the know" on our staff.  These are librarians who hold (or soon will be holding) the coveted M.L.S.  (Master of Library Science) degree.  Let me do a head count.  We have five of them.  Did I miss anybody?

Longtime readers have met Casey at the Bat and Savvy in previous blog postings.  Need a refresher?  Here are a few posts of interest: 

Click to bigify the images below.

Casey at the Bat leads a
Clifford readaloud at the Library
(Mooresville-Decatur Times, Nov. 9, 2011)

Savvy in the Library YAZ
(Young Adult Zone)
(February 2012)

Casey began her MPL career as a library school student intern in the Youth Services Department.  She now is a valued member of the MPL Circulation Team and handles all of the Library's senior outreach programs.  Savvy began, and continues, her MPL career as young adult librarian.

Let's describe these two librarians further by focusing upon my "get to know those in the know" questionnaire.

When asked how long each had worked at MPL, Casey replied, "Not long enough."  (Hey, Casey--I do the jokes in my blog.)  Savvy reported more literally:  "Since the end of January, 2012.  I'm still brand new!"  But is the warranty still in effect?  Just asking.

Savvy's favorite color is green, which reminds her of "spring and warm, fresh air and nature."  Casey likes any shade of blue.  Favorite bands?  Casey's is Fleetwood Mac; Savvy's "changes all the time, but right now" her favorite band is Florence and the Machine, and her favorite local band is My Yellow Rickshaw.

Casey lived in Mooresville between 1998 and 2009, but she now lives in Irvington (Indianapolis), childhood haunts of Broadway Gal and Boss Lady.  Savvy is a born-and-bred Indianapolis native.  Casey has lived in many American states--Connecticut, California, Michigan, and Indiana--as well as several other countries (Scotland, England).  She was not a "military brat" growing up; rather, her family just had the wanderlust.  We felines truly understand that!

What are their favorite childhood library memories?

  • Savvy:  "The Pizza Hut Book It! Summer Reading Program!  I would leave the library with a stack of books half as tall as I was, and I got so excited when I won a prize for finishing my book!"

  •  Casey:  "My school librarian reading the book Tikki Tikki Tembo to my class.  It's still one of my favorite books."

What do they like most about working at MPL?

  • Casey:  "The staff works really hard, truly cares about the community, and loves to laugh!"

  • Savvy:  "I love the people I work with.  They're all so awesome, and they've been so great as I get to know my new role as Teen Librarian.  I love working with the teens; it's awesome to see them get excited about our programs and books.  I love being surrounded by all these books!  Quot libros, quam breve tempus."

Any Latin scholars out there? must have a few.

Could that be any more microscopic?  Zoom, if you please.

Click Image to Bigify

I still can't read it, and I have superb feline eyesight.  The English translation is "So many books, so little time."

Both Casey at the Bat and Savvy bring high energy to their jobs.  Both have backgrounds in library youth services, so having boundless energy is absolutely essential.  Both are incredibly well organized, technologically sophisticated, and multi-faceted in the hidden mysteries of library science.  That much we expect from M.L.S. graduates.  But there is another intangible:  Casey and Savvy actively engage patrons as peers.  Not every librarian manages this--especially in academic libraries--but it is commonplace in the public library scene.  What is remarkable about Savvy and Casey is the ease with which they interact with a wide range of patrons.  But MPL is once again blessed with a battalion of such staffers (excepting Scowl-Face, of course) who make patrons feel welcome and relaxed.  That must have appealed to Casey and Savvy; perhaps it is another reason they chose to work here.  Certainly, we are a better library for their efforts.

Next Time--Two More Who Know To Get To Know,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Staff News Beat

P.S.  "Landslide," by Fleetwood Mac, is my favorite Stevie Nicks song.  It appeared on the group's self-titled album (1975).  There must be a gazillion YouTube videos capturing live performances, if you're interested in watching.  Fleetwood Mac was the premiere rock group of the mid-1970s.  You had to be there to best appreciate the sheer majesty of the band's musical productivity.

P.P.S.  "What the Water Gave Me," by Florence and the Machine, appeared on the band's second studio album, Ceremonials (2011).  The song is performed at 133 beats per minute--I counted--which makes it pretty incredible by itself.  I don't often hear art rock and indie pop featuring harps and guitars.  This music video was filmed (in part) at Abbey Road Studios.  Great vibes in that sacred place.

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