Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Flat Five (and Six?) Hanging With Tober and Morgan

"Flat" Cauli V, or Flat Five for short, has arrived safely in Thorntown, Indiana, and is hanging out with Tober, the world-famous Boss Cat at Thorntown Public Library.  Check out Tober's cool blog posting about the first part of their exciting adventures together.  Click here to go to Tober's blog.

Somewhat amazingly, Flat Five is simultaneously visiting Morgan the Library Bunny at Morgan County Public Library (MCPL) in Martinsville, Indiana.  This suggests several possible scenarios:

  • Flat Five is a master at bilocation and is transcending the time-space continuum to simultaneously appear at two different public libraries separated by a whole bunch of mileage.
  • My minions made a mistake identifying Flat Six as Flat Five in our letter of introduction to MCPL.
  • Flat Six is actually masquerading as Flat Five because she is doing some sort of secret agent stuff.

I like the bilocation scenario.  Sounds like pretty neat science fiction to moi.  But the spy thing is pretty cool, too.

Morgan has posted an excellent blog, too, with great photos of Flat Six Five, so please be sure to take a look.

I wonder if Tober and Morgan would mind if I borrowed a couple of their photos?  Sort of like a "teaser" that television stations use to get people to watch an upcoming program or the news broadcast.

Tober graciously shares his chair with Flat Five

Flat Six Five hangs with Morgan the Library Bunny

Want the entire scoop?  Film at Eleven.  (Do I sound like a big-time TV anchor feline?)  Actually, you should click here and here, just to wrap-up the full story of the beginning of their adventures.

This is the first leg (or two legs, maybe the front legs) of Flat Five's world library tour to meet famous library critters.  You can't get more library celebrity famous than Tober and Morgan.  I know for an absolute fact that both of these wonderful library public relations pals are quite well known around the globe.  They have been showcased in statewide seminars about marketing libraries.  Perhaps someday they will each become movie-star famous, like Sparkle.  They're certainly on the right path.  Of course, Sparkle is a superstar, but it's good to have aspirations.

Really Excited That Flat Five is Bilocating,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Flat Feline Travel Log News Beat

P.S.  Flat Five hanging with Tober and Morgan reminded moi of "Friends," by Bernie Taupin and Elton John (performed by Elton John), from the movie soundtrack of the same name (1971).

1 comment:

  1. Well I hope Flat Five can come to visit me at my home in Pine River MN!!!


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