Monday, April 23, 2012

Tri Kappa Art Show 2012

By Junior, of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Feline Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

The Tri Kappa Art Show has returned to the Library, and this year's entries showcase some mighty fine artwork.  Here are some of the many submissions to the show.  Click images to bigify.

Stop by the Library sometime between now and April 30 to see the great artwork on display.  If you can't visit the Library, Scowl-Face has photos of all the artwork.


  1. Wow, those are some nice Arts!

    Cauli, I just want to let you know that "Flat" Five has arrived safe and sound in Thorntown, and I am badgering AAB Blog Helper about getting something posted.

    We are having great fun together!

  2. Fantastic artwork! very talented artists :)


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