Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Zephyr Zips Uncle Zed to Zanesville

Okay, the train called the Zephyr didn't run through Zanesville, Indiana (or Zanesville, Ohio, for that matter), and I don't even have an Uncle Zed, but there were Zzzzz aplenty in today's Explore to Learn:  Early Literacy Fun video.  Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan featured the letter Z z, ending their alphabetical exploration.  Zebras and zinnias, for sure.

Is this the end of Wild Thang and Sammy's early literacy videos?  Say it isn't so!  Okay, now say you'll give moi a can of tuna-in-oil.

Keep up with Wild Thang's early literacy blog to learn how children's librarians can have loads of fun with their preschool charges.  No, not the credit card kind.

Wild Thang can't quit her blog or videos.  Her sing-along videos are the hottest things on my Library's YouTube Channel.

Zad to Zee the Alphabet Ending Zo Zoon,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  Prepare to be annoyed more than you could possibly imagine.  "Zip Code" (1967) was a single release for the Five Americans, and it has all the trademarks of "bubble gum" pop from the period.  This was the same band that issued "Western Union" (1967), which was a much bigger hit single, and I'm fond of it because it brings back some happy memories from one of my previous nine lives.  Cheesy?  Hey, somebody had to fill that musical niche.

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