Thursday, March 29, 2012

Volcanic Eruption! At My Library!

We had a real live volcanic eruption!  Inside the Library!  It was just too amazing.  But that's the kind of excitement we have when we talk early literacy at MPL.  Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan covered the letter Vv in yesterday's video, and you know what that letter stands for.  Vases. Well, it's true!  Also volcanoes.

The Letter V v, by Miss Jaymi & Sammy the Toucan
(Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Fun Blog Video)

Watch Wild Thang as she makes the volcano erupt.  That is so cool!  The lava looked quite real and frankly could have been a little scary. Fortunately, it wasn't really lava.  Knowing that Wild Thang and Sammy were there to handle things, I was certain that everybody was plenty safe.

Eventually, Scowl-Face is going to learn how to move and zoom the camera without it looking like we're having an earthquake.  But that's actually appropriate for our erupting volcano experiment. Way to luck out, Scowlly.

The end of the alphabet is fast approaching.  What will Wild Thang and Sammy talk about after the letter Z z?  Happily, early literacy is a boundless adventure.  We look forward to lots more great videos from our dynamic duo.  Perhaps for the remainder of the alphabet, they will have a herd of wildebeest stampede through the Library's Great Hall. Playing xylophones with their front hooves.  Oh, and they'd run out into the MPL Court Yard.  Chased by zebras.

Now that, my friends, would be some wild way to wind-up the alphabet. Wild Thang, take note.

Too Bad We Lost Our Water Volcano,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  What better musical closer for a blog about volcanoes than the instrumental "Eruption," by Van Halen, from the group's self-titled debut album (1978).

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