Thursday, March 29, 2012

ChickTeens Return

Teenage chicks. or chickteens (as I just decided to call them), returned from fostering yesterday, and while they were still at the Library, we shot some video in the temporary brooder boxes.  It's not the sharpest video--those plastic containers are kinda cloudy--but you can see the chicks strutting around, acting quite like teenaged poultry.  Better call in Savvy to round them up and keep them in line.

Broadway Gal has many photos and videos of the "teen invasion" on her Hatching Chicks @ MPL blog.

The teenagers have now gone to live on the free range, I'm thinking.  Broadway Gal probably has the details on her blog.

ChickTeens Are Still Mighty Cute,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Hatching Chicks News Beat

P.S.  "The Faces of Free-Range Chickens" (2009), by J.M. Hatchery, introduces viewers to some five-week-old chickens.

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