Friday, March 30, 2012

Fantasy Playlist Parades Across Friday Features

For Friday Features, the whole top ten current viewing list thing is getting old.  It works great for something like American Top 40, in which the music countdown changes completely every few weeks or months, and there are always several newcomers to the list.  For our YouTube Channel viewings, however, the top ten is fairly stable.  There's not a lot of change, even on a daily basis.  We've already featured the videos that remain primarily in our current top ten list.

So let's try something completely different.  Instead of a top ten list, let's feature our YouTube Channel playlists.  That sounds like a few weeks of fun, at any rate.

Our Fantasy Book Trailers Playlist appears below.  I'm not certain how this works exactly.  Click on the play button, and it apparently plays each of the 19 book trailers in this playlist sequentially.  Try it and see what happens.  Not my fault if it doesn't work--that's why I have minions to blame.  We felines know how to pass responsibility onto our humans.

If you'd rather pick-and-choose from among the 19 videos in this playlist (or any of our other playlists), you can find it (or them) by clicking here (or here, for all playlists).

Next Friday, We'll Feature Another Playlist,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Friday Features News Beat

P.S.  Thinking about our fantasy book trailer playlist reminded moi of the classical CD Fantasies & Delusions: Music for Solo Piano (2001), composed by Billy Joel and performed by Richard Joo.  "Invention in C Minor, Op. 6" is the fourth track on the album.  For a musician whose fame accrued through a blend of pop, rock, and blues, this album was quite a departure.  Great musicians can compose wonderful works, as my Library knows well.  After all, we have our own composer.

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