Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sammy the Toucan Interviews Cauli Le Poussin

Cauli Le Poussin has returned from fostering, all grown into teenagerhood.  While he was here at the Library, Sammy the Toucan took the opportunity to interview him.  We have the video exclusively!

It's a rather short interview, despite Sammy's best efforts.  I must say, Cauli Le Poussin is much quieter than I.  Or Scowl-Face.  But who isn't?

Walking Tall There, Cauli Le Poussin

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Hatching Chicks News Beat

P.S.  Since Sammy did such a nice job as a video interviewer, our musical closer will be "The Toucan Song," from the Big Green Rabbit public television show.

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