Thursday, March 8, 2012

Now On Display: Library Realia (Since 1855)

As part of Mooresville Public Library's 100th Anniversary bigbash, my minions are putting together a display of MPL history.  An entire 157 years of interesting stuff (going back to the town's first paid membership lending library in 1855) will be in the Indiana Roving Reporter Room display cases.  Drop by to take a gander!  Or a goose.  I'm not particular about winged dinner gender.

Here is some of our Library realia already on display.  Watch for more! It's a work-in-progress.

Want a quick summary of the Library's history?  You could check out the MPL Treasure Trove blog, too, if you want more detail.  Check the menu along the right side of the blog for previous postings for 2012.

Lots of Cool Stuff to See, If We Can Get It Organized,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library History News Beat

P.S.  Displays of library artifacts from the past 157 years made me think of Relics (1971), a compilation album by Pink Floyd, which included "Remember a Day," composed by Richard Wright and released on the band's second LP, A Saucerful of Secrets (1968).  This was psychedelic Pink Floyd, back in the Syd Barrett days.  That's a lot to remember, just in and of itself.

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