Friday, March 9, 2012

The Lorax Meets Dewey in a Snake Pit Diving For Pearls With Taio Cruz

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My Library created a new book trailer this week, which has entered into the current top ten viewing list for the MPL YouTube Channel.  Perhaps now we've actually made a book trailer that viewers want to watch.

The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss
(MPL Book Trailer #149)

Two other book trailers are staples in the Library's current top ten viewing list.

The Snake Pit, by Mary Jane Ward
(MPL Book Trailer #27)

Dewey the Library Cat, by Vicki Myron (with Bret Witter)
(MPL Book Trailer #56)

I love library cats.  No surprise there.

A newcomer to the present top ten viewing list is a John Steinbeck classic.

The Pearl, by John Steinbeck
(MPL Book Trailer #104)

I feel like Friday Features has been neglecting our other videos.  We have much more than book trailers on the Library's YouTube Channel.  Let's troll for some samples, shall we?

We've not far to look.  My Library's signature promo trailer has returned to the current top ten.

Librarians Do Taio Cruz, by Mooresville Public Library
(written, directed, and edited by Suzanne Walker,
MPL Youth Services Librarian)

Then there's Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan's latest early literacy video about the letter T t, which also made the Friday Features top ten this week.

The Letter T t, by Miss Jaymi & Sammy the Toucan
(Explore to Learn: Early Literacy Fun)

There's still more!  Try these program trailers on for size, even though they didn't make the top ten list.  We really need to balance all those book trailers.

Downtown Mooresville at the Movies
(MPL Treasure Trove Video #3)

Watercolors With Grace Cole
(MPL Program Trailer #17)

Please check out our playlists for more videos.  Something for everybody, I'd wager.

Love Those Time-Lapse Video Clips,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Friday Features News Beat

P.S.  In this YouTube video, artist Darryn James Rae paints three cats.  Well, not literally painting actual cats; it's a painting of three cats.  Art is quick and easy with time-lapse photography.  (Great soundtrack music by Martin Rae, by the way.)

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