Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ZOOM, Scowl-Face! Gee Whiz!

Wild Thang and Sammy the Toucan just made their latest early literacy video.  This one covers the letter T t, and they talked of books about trains, tyrannosaurus rex, and tornadoes.

Not that you could really see anything.  Where did Scowl-Face place the digital camera--the next county?  If the video screen below is too small, just click the YouTube logo in the lower right-hand corner to watch it on YouTube, where you may enlarge it to full-screen.  (I can't get full-screen to work on my blog.  Fix it, minions!  Just saying.)

ZOOOOOOOM, Scowl-Face!!!  For crying out loud!  That's why you have a variable lens on the Library's new digital camera.  Somebody has GOT to show that boy how to set-up a shot.  Buffalo Gal, that's your department.  At least this week there were books filling the empty space to Wild Thang's right (the viewer's left).

Well, it's a pretty complicated camera, and ol' Scowlly isn't the sharpest claw at the Library (using a feline analogy).  Since it's a learning process, I'll cut Scowl-Face some slack.  But not much.

Camera Operators Can Be Replaced--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of photography, "Picture Book," by the Kinks, is a fun song from the LP The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (1968).

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