Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Mysterious Forest

The Music Man has composed another quintet of flute quartet compositions called The Mysterious Forest (2012).  Click the images below to bigify.

The liner notes will set the stage better than I can.

The five movements are relatively short--just under ten minutes--so the music carries the listener quickly through the different stages of his or her imagination.  This haste is deliberate.  The mysteries that the forest musically reveals are intended to be swift and sure.  Like fairies flittering in the forest, if you look away for a second, they disappear.  The sunlight shifts its streamers rapidly and unexpectedly as you journey through the woods, casting surprising shadows that counterpoint the light.  The fog rolls in with surprising rapidity.  The emotional rush builds as the listener discovers that the mysterious forest is a green maze through which s/he must navigate.

But that's just where the music takes moi.  Where it takes you depends upon your imagination.

The Music Man is offering my loyal readers (and library patrons) a special listening treat.  I've created a "music video" that includes the entire CD.  The images are simply place-holders for the music.  This is meant to be an auditory adventure.  The visuals are unimportant, but they were necessary for iMovie to arrange the instrumentals.

I recommend listening with headphones or earbuds.  Just click the embedded player below.


Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Music News Beat

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