Saturday, March 17, 2012

File M For Murder, by Miranda James

If you enjoy murder mysteries, and obviously you like cats, then you should thoroughly enjoy File M For Murder, by Miranda James.  This latest in the Cat in the Stacks Mystery series, which was just published at the end of January, 2012, has all the ingredients we have come to expect and enjoy from our favorite librarian/mystery author.  Naturally, we have a book trailer that tells you all about it.

File M For Murder, by Miranda James
(MPL Book Trailer #151)

We know that Diesel and his human, Charlie Harris, will catch the real killer.  Charlie's daughter, Laura, has to be innocent, but that doesn't prevent the long-arm-of-the-law from collaring prime suspects.  Can Diesel and Charlie track down the clues in time?  I'll never tell, but you can find out by checking out this exciting book from our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.  Your E.I. library card is your ticket to ride.

Watch Your Back, Diesel; Those Killers Are Bad Dudes,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Mystery Novel News Beat

P.S.  The Velvet Underground released "The Murder Mystery" on the group's self-titled LP (1969), which was its third album release.  It represented a softer sound than TVU's previous recordings.  The rapid-fire spoken lyrics reminded moi of the Music Man's "Dictionary Music" (2009), which appeared as the soundtrack to two of our book trailers (below).

The New Doublespeak, by William Lutz
(MPL Book Trailer #53)

Conversations Beyond the Light, by Dr. Pat Kubis & Mark Macy
(MPL Book Trailer #81)

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