Friday, March 16, 2012

Meet More Chicksoons

Want to meet more chicksoons?  Well, they're hatchlings once they're out of their shells.  Broadway Gal has the scoop on her Hatching Chicks @ MPL blog, but I don't think she would mind if we posted a trio of action chick videos.

Meet Tacky

Meet CP2

Chicksoons Starring in the Great Egg-scape

Frankly Eggs-hausted After All This Egg-citement,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Hatching Chicks News Beat

P.S.  Roger Hodgson performed "Hide in Your Shell" with orchestral accompaniment in this video (2010).  He originally wrote and recorded this song with Supertramp on the album Crime of the Century (1974).  Seems like so long ago now.

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