Friday, March 23, 2012

Local Flavors on Friday Features

Today's Friday Features takes on a local flavor as two Mooresville-related videos are in the current top ten viewing list from the MPL YouTube Channel.

Click to Bigify

"Old Settlers" (Mooresville, Indiana Folk Song)
(MPL Treasure Trove Video #5)

Imperceptible, by the Class of 2012,
Mooresville (Indiana) High School
(MPL Book Trailer #83)

I blogged about Old Settlers earlier this week, which could explain the sudden appearance of our related video in the current top ten. Imperceptible is a collection of memories and experiences from residents of Mooresville, Indiana, and so it is a personal exploration of our local history.  Copies are available for sale at my Library (in the Friends of the Library Book Sale Room, which is near the front entrance).  Proceeds fund the MPL Indiana Room collection.  (Well, I call it the Roving Reporter Room.  I have my reasons.)

As Always, Thanks For Watching Our YouTube Videos,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Video Viewing News Beat

P.S.  "Imperceptible Shift," by Casey Stratton, was featured on the CD Castaways: Volume One (2011).  I couldn't find a share-alike music video, but you may listen to the entire song free by visiting the Casey Stratton website.  If you like his stuff, please support by purchasing his works.  We need to support musicians, whoever we may like.

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