Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Replacement Therapy?

Buffalo Gal, with whom I traveled recently to New Jersey and the Big Apple, has just uploaded a Facebook photo that has moi rather concerned.

Replacement Therapy, Buffalo Gal?

I trust that this is not some sort of replacement therapy, Buffalo Gal. Sure, that kitten's mighty cute, but s/he (can't tell from this view) is certainly not moi.  Nor, I might add, is s/he up to the same standards as Baby (Gracie), Harley (my cub reporter), or any of the other members of Feline Enforcers XIV.

Mighty cute, I'll admit.  But aren't all kitties cute?

Here's another uploaded cellphone photo from our Thanksgiving adventure.

The Music Man, Buffalo Gal, and Drawer Dude
Clowning Around on Our Thanksgiving OOLE

No Room for Improvement Here, Buffalo Gal--Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Feline Staff News Beat

P.S.  "Nashville Cats," by the Lovin' Spoonful, appeared on the LP Hums of the Lovin' Spoonful (1966).  It was also a hit single.

1 comment:

  1. Hmph. What IS she doing with that kitten? I am under the impression that once a kitty has a job as a library cat, it is for life! So it is illegal to replace you, Cauli.


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