Sunday, October 2, 2011

OcTOBER is a Special Feline Month, For Sure

You simply must visit Tober the Library Cat's blog and read about the Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library's proclamation declaring the month between September and November (i.e., OcTOBER) to be Tober's Finding Month in Boone County, Indiana.  I predict that tourism in Boone County will skyrocket this month and each subsequent October.

The Handsome Fellow Himself
He Who Puts the TOBER in OcTOBER
(Thanks to for this photo)

I presume that the assistant bosses at Thorntown Public Library will be having a month-long celebration of Tober's findingness.  There should be endless kitty treats, cake for all patrons, and other culinary delights.  Of course, that costs money, and cash is tight for public libraries right now, so perhaps a custom-made bookmark including Tober's photo and his proclamation would suffice. What do you think, AB Karen?

Congratulations on this month's designation, Tober!  It is a well-deserved honor, and your loyal patrons and fans should flock to your Library and shower you with gifts.

Um, I Gave at the Office?  Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Tober News Beat

P.S.  An appropriate musical closer for this post, "Rescue Me," a single by Fontella Bass (1965), shot to the top of Billboard's R & B charts and reached #4 on Billboard's Hot 100 pop charts.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Cauli! Can't wait to see how many of my staff lay treats at my paws tomorrow! (Those who don't will be Fired, of course.)


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