Monday, October 3, 2011

Let the Eerie Spookfest Begin!

Halloween is one of my favorite October holidays (I am a black cat, after all), and throughout the month, to celebrate the spookiness, we are going to feature several of our book trailers about the paranormal.  If you enjoy reading about strange phenomena that appear to go beyond ordinary sensory perception, then these books will be thought-provoking and fun-entailing.

Today we are highlighting A Study in Survival: Conan Doyle Solves the Final Problem, by Roger Straughan (Winchester, UK: O-Books, 2009) (ISBN 978-1-84694-240-2). 

If you'd like to read an in-depth, academic-sounding, and exceedingly long-winded analysis of this book, I recommend Scowl-Face's blog posting.  As an endurance test, you won't get any better, and he actually has some useful comments about this book, which is quite interesting.

Love Ghostly Posts in My Blog,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Paranormal News Beat

P.S.  If you were around in the 1980s, you probably saw the movie Ghostbusters (1984).  It's purely entertainment, of course, but there were some genuine, accurate paranormal details included that were based upon scientific research into the subject.  Here is the movie's theme song, by Ray Parker, Jr. (1984).

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