Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Follow-up For Rocket Transport Traffic Log-Jams

Yesterday's Mooresville-Decatur Times had another follow-up story to the huge rocket booster transport log-jams that tied-up traffic near my Library last Tuesday (9/27/11) (see my blog post and follow-up for my eyewitness reports).

The semi-tractor trailer whopper truck that got stuck at the Main-Monroe Streets intersection was supposedly carrying "an empty tanker usually filled with food products."  That smacks of governmental cover-up and conspiracy to moi.  Obviously, it was a huge rocket ship booster stage for that super-secret slobberdog space station project.  I became certain when those two Men in Black dudes appeared and took my digital camera.  Fortunately, Agents J and K didn't remember that their neuralyzer "flashy thing" doesn't work on us felines, so I recollected the whole episode.

According to yesterday's and last Wednesday's newspaper, the routes of these whopper trucks are set in stone by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and cannot be changed once carved into the map.  Now, however, big rigs will not be allowed to take State Road 267 through Mooresville until that route is reevaluated.  Apparently, news travels slowly to INDOT, because this traffic log-jam occurred before (last February), but no route reconsideration had been planned until last week's five-hour traffic snarl.

Okay, let moi set things straight.  Hey, INDOT bigwigs:  those whopper trucks cannot negotiate the turns as S.R. 267 slitherdarts its way through my hometown.  Find another path, okay?  Just saying.

There is this to say for those traffic log-jams at Main and Monroe:  It has provided cheap entertainment for our Library patrons and passersby.  But I'm glad that INDOT is evaluating the whopper truck routes, and I'm confident that an excellent solution will be eventually forthcoming.

Hoping All Unstuck Trucks Can Make Tight Turns in My Town,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Transportation Follow-up News Beat

P.S.  James Taylor's "Traffic Jam," from the album JT (1977), seemed appropriate for our discussion about traffic jams caused by those big trucks in my town.  Family warning:  James sings the "D-word" (that rhymes with "jam"), because the character he's singing about is angry about being stuck in traffic.

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