Friday, September 23, 2011

Join Our Merry Madcap Crew

Big holes to fill in my Library's Circulation Department.  Historigal and World Traveller are leaving us for greener pastures (well, WT is heading to the American Southwest, so green may be figurative), while Resident Artist is on medical leave.  That totals three (count 'em!) job vacancies to fill.  That's roughly half the entire Circulation Department.

So CircMaster and Boss Lady have put out the call for capable folks who would like to work in our Library.  Visit the library's website for more information about two of the positions, including employment applications and other job-related what-not.  It's all very people-complicated, but you'll figure it out. Fortunately, we felines don't have to worry about mundane activities like earning a living. We have human minions for that.

Would you like to work at my Library?  Who wouldn't?  Come earn a paycheck where work and play are interchangeable.  It's the best place you'll ever work, bar none.  You can take that to the bank, but they won't give you quarters for it.  Seriously, ask anybody who knows my Library and its fantastic staff.  There is no better place to earn money for your kitties or slobberdoggies. I work there, so that should be reason enough to apply.

Best wishes to Historigal as she returns to museum and art adventures, and also to World Traveller as she explores the Great American Southwest.  Watch out for snakes!  (I love that joke from MST3K.)  We continue to send our love and healing thoughts to Resident Artist and her family, who we hope will be able to visit us soon.

Work and Play Are Four-Letter Words, But Neither is Bad Around Here,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Employment News Beat

P.S.  "Draggin' the Line," by Tommy James (formerly of the Shondells), is a working song, moi-thinks.  The song appeared on his first solo album, Christian of the World (1971).

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