Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Plateau Reached

My Library's book trailer featuring Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell, should cross the 10,000 viewership mark sometime early this morning.  It is easy to become obsessive over statistics, but this is how the success of many human (but not feline) activities is measured.  For example, why do libraries keep patron door counts, circulation statistics, and similar numerical data about this or that?  The higher the numbers, the more likely funding will continue.  Isn't that the general rule (i.e., more equals better) in Western human society?

In case you're not one of the ten thousand who have watched the book trailer, here it is again (I blogged about the book earlier).

Thanks to everybody who has watched and enjoyed this video.  We have a lot of fun making these things.  It beats actual work, believe you moi.

Big, Mean, Wild Slobberdogs Don't Scare Moi,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
YouTube Channel News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of statistics, there are lots of songs with numbers in the title.  "2,000 Light Years From Home," by the Rolling Stones, is one of them, of which I am particularly fond.  Rather than watch a psychedelic video, I prefer the simple rotation of an old-fashioned, turntable-driven, long-playing record, which, in this case, is the Stones' Their Satanic Majesties Request (released 8 December 1967).  Brian Jones is playing the mellotron. I'm guessing that Mick Jagger was heavily influenced by the Syd Barrett-driven Pink Floyd album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (released 4 August 1967).  Either that, or Jagger's time in Brixton Prison (June 1967) on a drug conviction fueled his lyrical imagination.

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