Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boo-Hoo! No Taste For Moi

Bad news in today's Mooresville-Decatur Times:  The 2011 Taste of Mooresville, about which I blogged earlier this month, "has been postponed until further notice due to scheduling conflicts."

That makes me sad.  I was looking forward to having many tasty treats, but, now, my supper dish is empty, and I am left starving.  Well, hungry, anyway.

The newspaper article continues:

"The Mooresville Kiwanis Club would like to thank the community for the support of this event, and we look forward to a future date for the Taste.  For information concerning refunding of tickets sold, contact B.J. Pendill at 317-831-0056."

Anybody want to take me out to lunch?  I'm thinking tuna.  You?

Too Sad to Think of a Funny Tag Line,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Community Food News Beat

P.S.  Too sad to do a musical closer.  Going to wail some.  Then I'll race around the Library grounds aimlessly to expend some pent-up energy.  Then on to the MPL staff break room to raid the fridge.


  1. Hey Cauli,

    I make a delightful, mouth-watering tuna noodle casserole. Just ask Scowl-face. Care to join us for din-din? TLWTRH

  2. I'm there, Lady With the Red Hair, with bells on! Bring on the tuna noodle casserole! N'yum N'yum N'yum.


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