Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day One of Banned Books Week

The American Library Association's Banned Books Week (Sept. 24 through Oct. 1, 2011) begins today, and to commemorate we are recommending a week's worth of banned or challenged library books.

My Library has a "Banned Book" Trailers Playlist, from which we will showcase various books that have been banned or challenged in school, public, or academic libraries.  Let's start with two classic novels that were first published over 50 years ago and are periodically attacked by would-be censors seeking their removal from school curricula and/or library shelves.

Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury

A Separate Peace, by John Knowles

Thanks to Everyone Protecting the Right to Read What We Choose,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
BBW News Beat

P.S.  "Louie, Louie," by the Kingsmen (1963), sufficiently annoyed a Frankfort, Indiana listener who called upon Hoosier Governor Matthew Welsh and demanded the song be banned from radio play.  Although the governor has no such legal authority to prohibit airplay of any particular music,  in early 1964 Governor Welsh wrote Reid Chapman, president of the Indiana Broadcasters Association, stating that "it might be simpler all around if [the song] wasn't played [on Indiana radio stations]."  Chapman subsequently contacted IBA members advising them to stop playing "Louie, Louie" on the air.  Many years later, Welsh insisted that this was not censorship.  Sure sounds like it to moi.  (At the time, the Marion County Prosecutor's Office decided that the song contained no obscene language; in fact, the lyrics were largely unintelligible.)  Anyway, watch a recording from the television program Shindig! (if you can find it online) of the Kingsmen singing the group's biggest hit.  If you live in Indiana, maybe you should use earbuds, lower your  window shades, turn out the lights, and hide in the closet.  Although Governor Welsh's intrusion into  Hoosiers' radio listening choices occurred 47 years ago, you never know who's thinking what down there at the State House in Indianapolis.  Visit Purdue University's Ag-Econ website to read more about "Louie, Louie" and the governor's intervention.

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