Saturday, September 24, 2011

Casey Hits Another Home Run!

Remember Casey O'Leary, our youth services intern last summer ("Casey at the Bat," 7/6/2011 blog)?  In keeping with the baseball theme, Casey has again come to bat for us by accepting the position of Outreach Coordinator/Circulation Team Member.  (Team Member?  Teamster?  Which sounds better?)  This is an extremely important position, since patron services is the heart of our Library, and outreach programs are the paws and tail.  Hmmmm . . . 

Perhaps I should stick with the baseball analogy.  Let's back up and try it again.  This is an extremely important position, since patron services is the ground-rule double of our Library, and outreach programs are the home run hit, with runners on first and third, ready and able to score.  Okay, the whole baseball thing doesn't seem to be working today, so let's just cut to the chase, shall we?

Here's a warm and friendly Cauli welcome to our latest staffer, Casey O'Leary, who officially comes aboard next week.  There is nothing better than having yet another human to bring my tuna-in-oil to moi.  Use the good crystal dishes.

Don't Forget the Napkin, Please and Thanks,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Employment News Beat

P.S.  Another great "work song" is "Five O'Clock World," by The Vogues (1965), shown and heard here in the original 45 r.p.m. single, in all its pop-and-scratch glory.  Aren't you glad music is now digitally recorded?

P.P.S.  Casey needs a "Cauli name."  How about "Casey-at-the-bat"?  Worked for my July blog posting.  Sounds good to moi, so we're good to go.  Welcome, Casey-at-the-bat!

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