Friday, February 23, 2018

Welcome, CatPro!

UPDATE (February 28, 2018):  Anthony Woodside wrote a very nice article about CatPro in today's edition of the Mooresville-Decatur Times.

Recently, my library's director of technical services, Lady RaDA, moved into a new job at another library.  So we've hired a new technical services librarian, whom I call CatPro, because she's a cataloging professional.  Plus, having cat in your name is way-cool.  (I believe her official title is technical services coordinator.)  Welcome!  I'd show you her photo, but Scowl-Face has been slacking on the job again and hasn't taken any of her yet.  But she's in this group picture from last Monday's staff in-service training.

MPL staff following CPR training
Library in-service (February 19, 2018)
(CatPro is in the second row, second from the right)

CatPro honed her cataloging chops at Lebanon Public Library, where she worked with Evergreen Indiana open-source ILS (integrated library system), just like my library uses.  She's scheduled to become a Master of the Know (i.e., a librarian holding an M.L.S.--Master of Library Science--degree) by the end of 2018.  That's an impressive accomplishment, let moi tell you.  Not everybody has the brains and talent to earn that degree--just ask Scowl-Face (eye-roll)--so you should already be impressed with CatPro's drive and initiative.

CatPro has settled in nicely at my library.  She has already developed her work strategies and is rifling through all our new items, getting them processed and cataloged quickly and efficiently.  I haven't had a chance to meow with her yet, but from what I'm told, she has made a seamless transition and is running on all cylinders.  That's outstanding in and of itself, because my library, given its relatively small staff size, piles an enormous amount of stuff to do onto every employee's plate.  Well done, CatPro!

Speaking of plates, mine is empty, so CatPro can do something truly useful.  Make with the canned tuna-in-oil already!  My din-dins don't serve themselves.

We're really glad to have you on board, CatPro.  Now get to work.

Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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