Saturday, February 24, 2018

Vive La France!

I had my minions collect viewership statistics for my blog for the past month, and I discovered something quite interesting.  See if you can tell what it is.

My Most Popular Blog Posts (For This Past Month)
(Click Images to Bigify)

Blog Post Pageviews

Wait for it . . .
Pageviews by Countries
(For the Past Month)

Notice that there has been a huge spike in views from France.  Well, that makes sense, since I am, after all, a French feline.  My genealogy proves it.  Plus, my ancestor Hippolyte, founding feline of Mooresville, Indiana, was descended from cats who lived in the French settlements in colonial Indiana, particularly Fort Ouiatenon along the Wabash River near present day Lafayette (and West Lafayette), which is named after the famous French military strategist, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, who fought with the Continental Army and helped the American colonists win their independence from Great Britain.

So modern French folks are reading my blog, big-time!  That shows just how truly sophisticated my fellow country-humans are.  They recognize quality when they see it.

To all my loyal compatriots, let moi make this most heartfelt statement:

Merci, mes compatriotes français, félins et humains, pour votre soutien merveilleux et généreux de mon blog. C'est un témoignage de notre culture historique que nous pouvons rassembler sur mon blog pour rire et, espérons-le, obtenir du thon dans l'huile en conserve, parce que c'est l'heure du souper, après tout. Longue vie à la France! Soulevez notre drapeau pour célébrer notre liberté et notre héritage français!

For my English-speaking readers, Google makes the following translation:

Click Text Above to Bigify

The Lady With the Red Hair, who studied French in college (about the time of the French Revolution, I'd venture), says that my French above is pretty rough.  Well, we French felines are a rough-and-tugged bunch.  I mean, tough-and-rugged.  (Maybe my English isn't so sharp, either.)  Well, the point is, we French invented tough.

Anyway, I'm a cat, so I'm allowed a little linguistic leeway.  Cut moi some slack, I say.

Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S. Here's a short instrumental version of the French national anthem, La Marseillaise.

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