Last November, we lost a wonderful library spokescritter at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library (TPL). We all loved Tober and were crushed by his sudden passing. He was a truly grand library cat.
But life is all about second chances, as Tober well knew. His life significantly improved when TPL adopted him, and he made the lives of TPL's staff and patrons (as well as all of us who followed his blog) immeasurably happier. He would be glad to see another street feline have such a wonderful forever home.
A couple of months ago, TPL adopted another friendly feline to be their resident library cat. His name is Chance, and, given the tough life he's had before his new job at TPL, he has been given a second chance at life.
We've borrowed a few photos of Chance from TPL's Facebook page, where you may see additional pictures and learn more about this handsome boy. As always, click the images to bigify (as Tober used to say).
Chance, TPL Resident Cat
Chance will be writing to Tober's blog, so be sure to take a peek.
Looks like TPL has a superb new library greeter and PR man. You've got big paws to fill, Chance, but you'll be fine, I can tell. Welcome! Now tell your minions to get to work. Treats and belly scratches don't do themselves, you know.
Looks like TPL has a superb new library greeter and PR man. You've got big paws to fill, Chance, but you'll be fine, I can tell. Welcome! Now tell your minions to get to work. Treats and belly scratches don't do themselves, you know.
Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat