Friday, February 26, 2016

Where Are My Royalties? Just Asking

Although we wound-up this feature last December, I couldn't help coming out of retirement to ask this important question:  Where are my royalties, minions?  Just asking.

Royalties for what, you may ask?  (Go ahead.  I can wait.)  Well, Scowl-Face recently presented a program about Samuel Moore, founder of my hometown, Mooresville, Indiana. He created a video in which "Samuel" addressed folks at the Old Settlers Picnic in August, 1885.  Considering that there were no digital recording devices back then, it's surprising to hear "Samuel" speaking to the crowd. He sounded just like Scowl-Face.  A lot.

"Narration" of Samuel Moore at the Old Settlers Picnic (August 1885)
(Dramatic Reenactment)

At the 2:27 mark in the video, you'll see the East Fork of White Lick Creek.  Notice the prominent presence of moi in the lower middle-right.

Click Image to Bigify

Correct moi if I'm wrong, but that photo first appeared in this blog.  Its use elsewhere entitles yours truly to some canned tuna-in-oil (as royalties), I'll wager.  Make with the chow, minions!

Apparently, Scowl-Face's program was well-received.  There's no accounting for taste.

The Samuel Moore presentation was part of a Celebrate Mooresville's Heritage series that my Library is presenting as part of the Indiana Bicentennial (1816-2016).

Click Image to Bigify

I immediately noticed one glaring omission among the program subjects.


When will MY program be featured, Boss Lady?  Just asking.

Don't forget those cans of tuna-in-oil, minions.  I must be well-fed in my retirement.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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