Saturday, December 19, 2015

Five Whole Years

Five years ago today (December 19), I started this blog.  (Here's my first post.)  It's been fun, and we've helped folks keep up with what's happening at Mooresville Public Library.  I've written 1,301 blog posts--thanks, minions, for your assistance--but now is a good time to wrap things up.

Officially, I retired last March as the official MPL feline roving reporter, but I've continued to post the occasional article to this blog.  As I review all these postings, I'm amazed at where the journey has taken moi.  I hope you've enjoyed it, too.

I'll leave all my posts up so you can read (or re-read) anything interesting.

To learn more about goings-on at MPL, please visit our online events calendarwebsite, Facebook page, Twitter feed, or YouTube channel.

Five whole years!  It's hard to imagine.

Goodbye, everybody.  Thanks for reading!

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary, but I am sad you are saying goodbye. :-(


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