Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Boss Lady is Mooresvillian of the Year

As Sparkle the Designer Cat (2002-2014) used to say, concatulations to Boss Lady, recipient of the 2014 Mooresvillian of the Year award.  Around these parts, this is a huge honor  It's like a local version of the presidential medal of freedom, or the O.B.E.  Click the photos to bigify.

This is a well-deserved honor.  Boss Lady contributes to our community in so many ways, there's not enough room in this blog post to list them all. All the folks in the Mooresville area should tip their hats.  I'd tip mine, but it's Photoshopped.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Read more about Boss Lady's award in today's Mooresville-Decatur Times: (copy and paste URL in your web browser address line).

  3. Concatulations to Boss Lady! Does this mean she's Dame Boss Lady?


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