Thursday, March 12, 2015

A New Definition of Awesome

In their new editions, dictionaries will have Crafty Gal's photo next to the definition of awesome.  Well, they should.

Crafty Gal & Porcine Pal

Crafty Gal will be leaving the library staff in a couple of weeks.  Sad does not begin to express how we feel about it.  Her early literacy programs are now legendary.  She has significantly boosted the library's early literacy resources available to patrons.  She revolutionized the library's use of social media.  She writes an outstanding blog about early literacy.  She is a terrific all-around reference librarian.  She also made fantastic videos. Here are her playlists:

Nursery Rhyme Time with Miss Michelle (Video Playlist)

Early Literacy Videos:  Miss Michelle @ MPL (Video Playlist)

In short, what Crafty Gal couldn't do wasn't worth doing.  Put more affirmatively, she has been a superlative, preeminent librarian. Metaphorically, she leaves huge shoes to fill.  (Her feet are not actually that big.)

Most of all, we will miss Crafty Gal's wonderful sense of humor and her passion for early literacy programming.  She has taken the library to new heights, and our preschool patrons (and their caregivers) will sorely miss her.  We, too.

Good luck with your new adventures, Crafty Gal.  May you always fare well.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  We've put together a video montage of some of Crafty Gal's most memorable moments in early literacy fun.  There's no better tribute than one's own work.

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