Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What's All the Hoopla?

What's all the hoopla about this new database subscription my Library has undertaken?


'Nuff said.  Pretty much.

Seriously, what does this Hoopla do, exactly?  There's a video for that.

"Librarian's Life: A Day With Hoopla," by Hoopla Digital

Now, that's how to make a good promo trailer.  Scowl-Face, take note.

Simply log-in using your MPL-issued Evergreen Indiana library card number and start streaming or downloading movies, TV shows, music albums, and more.  When does the fun begin?  Our subscription starts in March, 2015.  So does Spring. Coincidence?  Read the book.

All jokes aside, Hoopla promises to be a wonderful database for our patrons.  I can't wait to use it!  Well, have my minions use it for moi.  Same thing, really.

Stay tuned to our website for further developments.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Starship released its album Knee Deep in the Hoopla (1985), from which the hit single, "We Built This City," was taken.  Eighties glam-rock.  Grab a synthesizer and join-in.

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