Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Forma Dat Esse

Form gives being, so says the Latin legal maxim (forma dat esse).  (You can look it up [see my postscript].)  That's true, for example, when a statute requires a contract to be in a particular form to be enforceable [District of Columbia v. Bailey, 171 U.S. 161 (1898)]. There's a reason lawyers are such sticklers for particular language in legal documents. Poorly phrased legal instruments may end up worth less than the paper they used to be printed upon.

This is why you should always consult attorneys when you have a legal quandary involving any significant sums of money.  Of course, that can be expensive.  What about finding your own legal forms online?  Most websites charge a bundle to download them.  But, now, finally, my Library lends a paw to help folks who need free downloadable, editable legal forms.

Gale Indiana Legal Forms Database

Use your MPL-issued Evergreen Indiana library card number to log-in, and then browse the hundreds of Indiana-specific legal forms available to download and fill-in.  The database covers many areas of the law--powers of attorney, wills, trusts, contracts, divorce, bankruptcy, real estate, incorporation, name change, landlord/tenant, affidavits--you name it, there's probably a legal form here somewhere.  Plus, there are many sample letters you can adapt to your own purposes.  This is the best legal forms database available at my Library.  Okay, it's the only one available, but, still.  Hey, free is good.

Scowl-Face says you should still consult an attorney concerning your legal matters.  He has to say that.  He says I do, too.  Also, that I'm not providing legal advice in this blog.  Just saying.

Take a peek at these legal forms.  The right words make all the difference in court.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Blacks Law Dictionary 586 (West 5th ed., 1979); District of Columbia v. Bailey, 171 U.S. 161 (1898).

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