Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Winged Dinners Club, I'd Wager

Programma Mama has started Bird Club.  Winged Dinners Club, I'd wager.

It's a truly outdoorsy thing, as the club meets on the first Thursday of every month in the MPL Courtyard from 10-11 a.m.  Click the description (and photos) below to bigify.

Click to See What Fun You'll Be Having

Where Winged Dinners Club Meets

Finally, a program that caters to MY special interests!  You needn't venture far to find plenty of winged dinners around my Library.  There are winged dinner houses surrounding the courtyard along Legacy Lane.

 Hey!  That's a Winged Dinner Diner

 Deluxe Winged Dinner Condo

 Skinny Winged Dinners Only?

 Better For Butterflies
(Another Type of Winged Dinner)

Another Deluxe Winged Dinner Condo

Time For a Refill, I'd Venture

So, what are these things?  Winged Dinner nests?  Pretty pawdy (humans would say handy) for moi.

The first meeting of Winged Dinner Club is this Thursday, July 3, from 10-11 a.m.  Just in time for my lunch.

What's this?  Programma Mama says I'm not allowed to snack on the winged dinners around the Library!  No feline fun there.

Well, at least I can enjoy the winged dinners in our program trailer.

Our human patrons who enjoy watching, photographing, and listening to winged dinners will have a great time, even with Programma Mama's unfair rule for moi.  Drop by, and enjoy this outdoor adventure.  Check-out our many North American winged dinner books and winged dinner calls audiobook from our Evergreen Indiana catalog.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  The MPL Courtyard caters to all manner of winged dinners, including butterflies, much like Greenwood (Indiana) Public Library, as this promo trailer illustrates.

1 comment:

  1. We love your grounds, but especially love your beautiful courtyard!


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