Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Planting Some Fun, I'll Venture

For this week's Terrific Tuesday programs, Casey at the Bat and Crafty Gal introduced their charges to all manner of plant life.  Planting some fun, I'll venture.

Casey at the Bat held her grades 1-6 program in the MPL Children's Programming Room.  Naturally, we have photos galore.  As always, click the images to bigify.

 Distributing Crafty Supplies

 Lots of Interesting Books About Plants

 Casey at the Bat Showing How to Cut the Edges

 Paper Plates Coming to (Plant) Life

Meanwhile, Crafty Gal was outside in the MPL Kinder Garden helping her pre-kinders, kinders, and their caregivers make colorful impressions of various plants and trees.

 MPL Kinder Garden

 Setting Up Work Stations

 Placing Plants on the Blue Paper

 Working in the Shade
to Place the Plants Just Right

Putting plants on the blue paper in the shade sets the stage for science wonderfulness.  When each plant arrangement is then placed in full sunlight, there is a chemical reaction with the blue paper, leaving an impression of the plants that appears when the blue paper is submerged in water.  Like so:

 Like Magic!

 Numerous Plant Projects Sunbathing

 Blue Papers Dunk Tank

Pretty exciting stuff!  Everybody had a great time with these creative craft projects.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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