Monday, July 7, 2014

Lego at the Library

My Library's Youth Services Department has Lego available for youngster playtime, and periodically there are programs (like this one) featuring Lego.  We have a cool program trailer that explains everything.

Legos at the Library Program Trailer

Technically, our program trailer should have been called "Lego at the Library," but the plural is commonly Legos, so it's no big deal, either way. I suppose we should also show Lego® this way, since it's a registered trademark.  But that's a lot of extra keystrokes.  You get the idea if we do it once, right?

Our Lego play area is easy to find.  Just turn right as you enter our Youth Services Department and walk over to the corner in front of the 2008 Community Garden mural. Click the photos to bigify.

Lego Assembly Area
in MPL Youth Services

We have several murals and custom-made art in our Youth Services.  Check them out on your next visit!

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "The Lego® Story" (2012) celebrates the Lego Group's 80th anniversary.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Cauli Le Chat great blog!

    --Miss. Sarah


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