Saturday, July 5, 2014

Following Paul Hadley's Footsteps, Part Deux

Yesterday (July 4, 2014), my minions and I travelled to Cataract Falls State Recreation Area on Mill Creek, in northern Owen County, Indiana (just south of Cloverdale).  The falls are just upstream of Cagles Mill Lake (Lieber State Recreation Area).

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As I mentioned in my previous blog posting, we're retracing Paul Hadley's footsteps as we explore the places he painted roughly a century ago.  Our first stop was the upper falls, followed (wait for it . . .) by the lower falls.  Mr. Hadley captured both of these in watercolor, which are on display at my Library.

 Cataract Falls (Upper Falls)
by Paul Hadley

 Cataract Falls (Lower Falls)
by Paul Hadley

Although our photos are nowhere near as breathtaking as Mr. Hadley's paintings, let's compare them, just for fun.

 Cataract Falls (Upper Falls)

Cataract Falls (Lower Falls)

Mill Creek watershed looks considerably different than it did about a century ago, when Paul Hadley traversed the rugged countryside to paint the scenery.  In 1952, Cagle Hills Lake was built just downstream of the lower falls to become Indiana's first flood control reservoir.  It now comprises the Lieber State Recreation Area.

Moi at the bottom of the Upper Falls

 Looking down at the Upper Falls

 Just above the Upper Falls, looking downstream

Atop the Upper Falls, looking across stream
(We'll be over there shortly)

Owen County's last covered bridge sits immediately upstream of the Upper Falls.

 Cataract Falls Covered Bridge

rests a spell at the covered bridge

Picnic with a view, I'd venture

Looking downstream from the center
of the covered bridge

 Factoids about the covered bridge

We left the bridge to explore the river bank on the other side.  It was treacherous walking through the heavy underbrush, at least for some of us.

 The Lady With the Red Hair and I
having little difficulty blazing the trail


We should have brought a leash for Scowl-Face.

 The Upper Falls from the other side

Other side downstream of the Upper Falls

On our way back to the car, we noticed an old water pump.  I was thirsty. Minions, make with the flowing drinking water.

This is so not happening, minions
(Where's the pump handle?)

Bob Dylan would tell us that "the pump don't work 'cause the vandals took the handles" ("Subterranean Homesick Blues" [1965]).

We next drove a short distance (ol' Scowlly was fairly winded) to the Lower Falls.

 The Lower Falls

 How'd those fisher dudes get down there?

Looking downstream above the Lower Falls

 The Lady With the Red Hair
closer to the edge than I'd be standing

 Kayaking below the Lower Falls
(Well, not immediately underneath)

 "Hey, Fisher Dudes, where's my din-dins?"
(Just asking)

It was a really cool place to visit.  I can see why Mr. Hadley chose to paint this beautiful area. You should visit, too.  Save moi some swimming dinners you catch. Just saying.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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