Monday, December 9, 2013

No Disguise Necessary

Find out about our upcoming children's programs during Spring 2014 by visiting our youth services desk.  You know you want to.

No registration is required for these programs!  Just come as you are (and bring a caregiver, if you're ages 0-6). You don't need a disguise, but it's more fun that way.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  I have a soft spot for 1960s "bubble gum" pop music.  Since some of our patrons were pictured with masks (in the photo above) from one of our youth programs, I thought it would be appropriate to close with "Judy in Disguise (With Glasses)" (1967), by John Fred & His Playboy Band.  The tune topped Billboard's pop charts in January, 1968, knocking the Beatles' "Hello, Goodbye" out of the number one position.  This is ironic, since John Fred and bandmate Andrew Bernard co-composed the tune after misunderstanding the lyrics of another Beatles song, "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" (1967).  Fred thought John Lennon was singing "Lucy in disguise with diamonds," but was soon corrected when he first saw the printed title and liner notes to Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967).  Still, a girl wearing glasses (in disguise) seemed like a catchy title, and this upbeat number was a winner.

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