Monday, December 9, 2013

Four Times Ten to the Fifth

The MPL YouTube Channel just passed 400,000 (4.0 x 105) viewings. Libraries track statistics like cats track prey, so these numbers keep us well-fed.  The analogy is particularly apt, as patron usage of public libraries influences our funding in some way that my minions handle. As for moi, I prefer concentrating on my prey, which usually (and thankfully) comes out of a tin, these days.

We usually celebrate these statistical milestones by reprising one of our videos.  Here is our 400th uploaded video.  I counted backwards from our present total (453).

Miss Michelle @ MPL: Early Literacy Fun at the Library
(Week of March 10-16, 2013) 

Here are two book trailers that have (currently) been viewed exactly 400 times each, but that number is likely to change after watching them.

MPL Book Trailer #8
The Bunny Book, by Patsy Scarry & Richard Scarry

MPL Book Trailer #98
The Thirty-Nine Steps, by John Buchan

Congratulations to everyone who has made our videos over the past four years (come January 9).  It's been fun.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  I've previously used "409" (1962), by the Beach Boys, as a musical closer, but it's a great song, so why not use it again?

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