Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sisterhood of the Travelling Dress

Broadway Gal's Caldecott Button Dress is now on display at my Library, which is the first stop (naturally) on a hopefully statewide public library tour.  You could call it the sisterhood of the travelling dress.  Of course, Sammy the Toucan was a big part of the action.  As always, click the images to bigify.


The dress looks really cool, but, frankly, it looks a whole lot better with Broadway Gal wearing it.  Just saying.

The buttons go all around the front and back of the dress.  Too bad we couldn't get a photo of the back, but the bookshelves were too close for Scowl-Face to squeeze in.

Our Caldecott award-winning books are on the shelves immediately behind the dress.  They're ready to check-out, if you have an Evergreen Indiana library card.

Drop by to see the dress!  Maybe Broadway Gal will visit so she can model it for everybody.  Floor show!  Floor show!  Floor Show!  We could sell tickets.  Proceeds would help the Library buy more canned tuna-in-oil for moi--I mean, fund programs.  How about it, Broadway Gal?

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

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